State Prisons Continue Early Releases due to COVID-19
Aug 28, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Monica Martinez, Solano County District Attorney's OfficeFAIRFIELD, CA (MPG) - Due to the threat of COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreading throughout the state prison population, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) continues to release thousands of inmates prior to their expected release date. CDCR determined that inmates with one year or less remaining on their sentence were to be released, supposedly excluding those serving time for domestic violence, violent crimes, or sex offenses that require registration. In reality, inmates serving time for serious and violent offenses are being released pursuant to Government Code Section 8658 which allows for the release of inmates in any case in which an emergency endangering the lives of inmates has occurred or is imminent.
The expedited release of inmates has presented challenges for crime victims across the state, as there has been little or no notice to crime victims prior to release. Although CDCR has represented that victims registered through their victim services database will be notified, not all victims are registered with CDCR, and they are entitled to have their voice heard.
We understand the importance of maintaining the health and safety of all persons including inmates across the state. We also appreciate the importance of public safety and the constitutional rights of crime victims. It is concerning that CDCRs expedited process is occurring without sufficient notice and input from those who have been victimized by crime.
The Solano County District Attorney's Office remains committed to notifying crime victims of any early release. Unfortunately, we are also being hampered by the short notice of release. Please contact our Victim Witness Unit at 707-784-6844 if you need assistance.
If you have been a victim of crime that occurred in Solano County, we also encourage you to register with CDCR Victim Witness services at
CDCR’s website also contains information regarding their response to COVID-19 and early releases. You can visit that information at