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Independent Voice

Victims Stand By Sacramento County Sheriffs Deputies, Families In Wake Of Tragic Shootout

Jan 19, 2021 12:00AM ● By Crime Victims United Press Release

""Our hearts go out to the family of the fallen deputy — they now belong to a club that now one ever asks to join"

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - Crime Victims United of California (CVUC) today issued the following statement in response to the tragic death and wounding of Sacramento County Sheriffs' Deputies during a shootout with a suspect at CalExpo last night:

"Our hearts go out to the family of the fallen deputy — they now belong to a club that now one ever asks to join," said Nina Salarno Besselman, president of Crime Victims United of California. "Having been a part of this 'club' for many decades, we understand their pain and want to extend our deepest condolences, prayers and support in any way possible during the days, weeks and months ahead.

"We have the highest respect for peace officers and the difficult job they do," said Salarno Besselman. "It takes a very special kind of person to choose to put themselves in harm's way to keep others safe. We are grateful to these deputies and their K9s for their service and sacrifices and pray that the second deputy recovers quickly from his wounds."

Founded in 1990, Crime Victims United has been dedicated to supporting and strengthening public safety, promoting balance in the criminal justice system and protecting the rights of victims. To learn more, visit