Dixon News Briefs
Jan 28, 2021 12:00AM ● By MPG StaffCity Council Meets Tuesday
The next City Council Meeting will be Tuesday, February 2 at 7 pm via Zoom.us. There is a link on the city website (cityofdixon.com) or you can call (707) 678-7000 for information. You can also call in via your phone if you do not have computer access. The agenda is posted on the Thursday before the meetings and was not available by press time.
Broken Sidewalks
If you've been getting your exercise by walking around your neighborhood while gyms and exercise locations have been closed, you are aware of the many cracked sidewalks that can trip you up. But you might not know that cracked sidewalks are the responsibility of the property owner. And, you might not know about the Sidewalk Repair Reimbursement Program.
California Streets and Highways Code Section 5610-5618 states that a property owner is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk area adjoining his or her property. If there is any potential hazard such as protruding tree roots, cracked or raised cement or other hazards, it is the property owner’s responsibility to get those repaired.
The City of Dixon has a Sidewalk Repair Reimbursement program, to help property owners defray the cost of these repairs. The funds for this program are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. The City will allocate money from the Gas Tax Funds for this program.
Reimbursement is limited to 50 percent of the project cost, up to a maximum of $12.50 per square foot of sidewalk, up to $1000 for tree assessment and removal, and $1000 per ADA access ramp. The maximum reimbursement for sidewalk work at any one property shall not exceed $2500.
If you have any damage to the sidewalk area adjoining your property and would like to know about what is required of you and how the City of Dixon can help, please visit https://www.cityofdixon.us/.../Sidewalk-Street-Repair... or call the City of Dixon Engineering Division at (707) 678-7030 for additional information.
Cameras Help Catch
On the morning of January 10, 2021, Dixon Police received several reports of vehicle burglaries on Fountain Way and Hansen Court. Work vehicles were targeted and property totaling over $10,000 was stolen from multiple vehicles. Dixon Police Officers, CSO’s, and Detectives canvassed the area to locate surveillance video from helpful neighbors and were able to locate video of the suspect and his vehicle.
Dixon Police Detectives reviewed information and video from Automated License Plate Readers and identified the suspect vehicle which was registered out of Woodland. The registered owner of the vehicle was found to be on searchable probation out of Yolo County.
Dixon Police Detectives coordinated with Yolo County Probation and conducted a probation check of the suspect’s residence where several stolen items were recovered. Rafael Alcantar-Cardenas (29) of Woodland was placed under arrest and booked into jail for the following charges: Burglary (2 counts); Grand Theft; Petty Theft; and Violation of Probation.