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Independent Voice

Fire Safety Council Launches in Vacaville

May 21, 2021 12:00AM ● By Lisa Murray, Ag & Art Film Festival

"It is more important than ever to join together and discuss the benefits of a fire preparedness plan” 

VACAVILLE, CA (MPG) - The Pleasants Valley Agriculture Association (PVAA) has launched the “PVAA Community Fire Safety Council” this month - at the start of the 2021 fire season.

The farmers and rural area landowners in Vacaville were hit hard last August, 2020, when the LNU Lightening Complex Fire burned 350,000 acres, destroying nearly 1,500 structures and killing six people. A handful of those most affected where farmers - some losing everything.

“After the devastating fire of August 2020, it has become apparent to many of us that for our own peace of mind andthe safety of our community, it is more important than ever to join together and discuss the benefits of a fire preparedness plan.” - Rose Loveall, PVAA Founding Member & Co-Owner of Morningsun Herb Farm in Vacaville.

The fire council members are inviting the public to the Community Fire Preparedness Kick-Off Meeting on Sunday, May 23rd at 2:00 PM at the Moose Lodge, 6585 Gibson Canyon Rd, Vacaville.

The speakers for the afternoon will be Aaron Latta of Cal Fire Battalion, Chief Tim Walton, Vacaville Fire Protection District, Jim Currie, Solano County Deputy Sherriff, Don Ryan, Emergency Service Manager, and Chris Rose, Executive Director of Solano RCD. These gentlemen represent key agencies in dealing with and preparing communities to withstand fires. They will be speaking on establishing local fire safety councils and answering questions from the attendees.

Rochelle Sherlock will also be speaking. She is the President of the Green Valley Fire Safety Council. Rochelle will be talking about how Green Valley created its own fire safety council with the participation of Green Valley residents.

The discussion and work to build a Community Fire Preparedness structure will help community members be organized as a region and community when facing another fire crisis.

Face coverings will be required, and social distancing will be strongly encouraged.