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Independent Voice

Chief Robert Thompson Returns to Dixon

Jun 04, 2021 12:00AM ● By Debra Dingman

Robert Thompson is Dixon's Chief of Police. Photo by Debra Dingman

“I’m honored to continue to lead the forward-looking evolution of the Dixon Police Department"

DIXON, CA (MPG) – On Friday before Memorial Day Weekend, City Manager Jim Lindley announced the reinstatement of Robert Thompson as Chief of Police for the City of Dixon effective on Memorial Day.

“I am extremely pleased to announce the return of Chief Thompson,” said Lindley. “He is a true leader, deeply respected by our police officers and truly appreciated by our community. His modern approach to law enforcement has made Dixon a better, safer and more welcoming place to live. We are very happy he is back.”

Thompson began as Chief of Police for the City of Dixon in March of 2017 before departing in January of 2021. He is credited with overhauling and modernizing city police operations. He also managed substantial technological upgrades, improved training and recruitment, and stemmed a steady stream of officers leaving for other departments.

“I am deeply invested in the City of Dixon, its residents and the members of this police department,” Thompson said. “I’m honored to continue to lead the forward-looking evolution of the Dixon Police Department at a time of unprecedented growth for the City. There are many residents and officers who I have missed and can’t wait to see again. It feels like I am returning home.”

Thompson served as an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigations for fifteen years, prior to serving as Chief of Police for the City of Dixon for four years. Chief Thompson will be reinstated pursuant to the terms of his prior employment agreement and the City’s employee reinstatement policy.