Scouts at Silveyville Cemetery
Jun 03, 2022 12:00AM ● By MPG StaffPhoto Courtesy of Dixon Scouts
Dixon’s Cub Scout Pack 253 and Boy Scout Troop 152 placed flags at Silveyville in time for Memorial Day as is their custom. Scouts locate the grave, post a flag, stand at attention with their scouts’ salute, and say the deceased’s name. They complete their salute and continue on. “We received lots of thanks from the cemetery visitors,” said John Decker, Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 152 who is also Cubmaster for Pack 253. “As we were laying flags a family visiting a nearby grave asked us to come over. Their recently deceased loved one was a vet that wasn’t yet on our list. A number of family members got to see and record their veteran receiving his first Memorial Day flag. It was a wonderful memory for that family and a great lesson in showing reverence (part of Scout Law) for our scouts.”