Recology Raises Rates; Adds Services
Oct 28, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Debra Dingman
Long shadows defy the true size differences in the new, smaller toters that are now available through Recology and are ideal for seniors.
DIXON, CA (MPG) - At the July City Council Meeting, the City of Dixon and Recology reported on its review of the city’s contract extending it ten years, increasing rates due to inflation, and providing new options available for residents that we would hear more about in our October bills but that hasn’t happened yet.
Recology Manager Scott Pardini told the council that citizens would be educated with regard to what should be put in each toter via information in their bill, door hangers, and updates on Recology’s website. He also told the council that they will be offering smaller gray toters and senior discounts. As of Recology’s October billing, no information was included. Fortunately, those who attended the Council meeting and took note are spreading the word.
“I got one and it’s so cute,” said Mary Ann Pothier with a chuckle. “I was delighted because the rates were going to be $97 every three months and with my senior discount, it will only be $71.” Pothier explained she doesn’t have a lot of garbage because of the way she shops.
“I buy a lot of fresh produce and what I buy, I eat,” she said.
Like in the past, every household will have a grey toter, a green toter, and a blue toter. The blue toter is for recycling materials like paper, bottles, cans, aluminum, and most plastics but no plastic bags. The grey toter is for ‘garbage’ such as anything unrecyclable and non-compostable. That could include materials such as thin plastic bags and plastic wrap, cat litter, ceramics, and broken glass. The green toter is for grass clippings, tree and shrub prunings, branches, leaves, fruit, bread, and vegetables. Interestingly, compostable bags are not acceptable and citizens are to simply place food waste on top of any yard clipping or trimmings in their green toter.
The Dixon Recology’s website does show that there are new services available for residential customers including senior rates, 32-gallon carts, and a free 2023 landfill pass but no details as to how you can request these.
Doing our research and talking to frustrated citizens who spent extended periods of time on hold, we learned that homeowners can easily e-mail Recology at [email protected] if they want a smaller toter or apply for a senior discount–both available effective October 1. They need to include an account number and address. If they are over 62 years old and qualify for the senior discount, they can request the discount by including their age in the request.
The new rates are as follows: Residential Services for all three 96-gallon toters are $32.48 per month. The rate for the smaller toters is $28.74. The Senior Rate for those age 62+ or disabled for the large 96-gallon toters is $25.98 per month. The Senior Rate for the smaller, 32-gallon toters is $22.99.
For hazardous waste, residents may drop off accepted items at the Recology Vacaville Solano Recycling Center every Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.