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Independent Voice

May Fair Exhibit Book Released

Jan 27, 2023 12:00AM ● By By Debra Dingman

Livestock is a significant part of the annual Dixon May Fair and entering early ensures proper forms and fees are taken care of. The rules are laid out completely in the newly released guidebook. Photo by Debra Dingman

May Fair Exhibit Book Released [3 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

DIXON, CA (MPG) - Talented artists, photographers, crafters, bakers and more will once again be able to show off their skills to May Fair visitors and may even be taking home ribbons as well as cash awards. The Dixon May Fair Exhibit Guidebooks are now available for people to choose one or many places of competition for blue ribbons.

Entry forms and more information on entry fees are available at and separate entry forms are required for each category one plans to enter. The Dixon May Fair mailing address is PO Box 459, Dixon, CA 95620 and the delivery address is 655 South First Street.

For the record, the Dixon May Fair began in 1876 and is the oldest district fair in the state of California. The 4-day event will be Thursday, May 11 through Sunday, May 14.

Most consider us lucky to have a local fairgrounds that brings thousands of visitors every year and takes in plenty of entries from the communities of Vacaville, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Elmira, Woodland and Davis. In addition to the many areas of talent that will be on exhibit, there will also be livestock and classic cars.

Livestock - Market Animal Exhibitors and Small Animal Exhibitors must enter online only and pay fees February 6 through March 3. For small market animals and non-market class entries, that date is on April 14. Make checks payable to: Dixon May Fair All livestock - Proof of Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Certification must be received by March 10 for market animals and April 14 for breeding to be eligible for the 2023 Fair.

Cars - Pre-registration is required for the 9th annual Classic Car Show at this year’s Dixon May Fair May 11-14. All entries and entry fees must be received by no later than Friday, April 28. Entries may close prior to closing date if space fills so act quick if you’re planning to participate. There will be music by ‘Hey Jude’. Set up is from 6 to 9:30 a.m. Show is open to cars 1972 and older and there is a limit of only 60 vehicles. Entry fee is $25 and that includes fair admission for two people (driver and passenger) arriving in the car and a commemorative Dash Plaque.

May Fair Board Members are Lloyd McCabe, President, Richard Hamilton, Tom Raycraft, Dana Martin, Roy Gill, Jill Bors-Turner, Fermin Rubio, and Greg Pryor. At their last meeting, they approved the West Coast Rodeo for a Bronc and Bull Riding Show on Friday, May 12, and a contract with an entertainment company for a Latin music festival on Sunday, May 14. It’s going to be a great year.

May Fair sponsors are the Bank of Stockton, 95.3 KUIC, KUIU Ultralight Hunting, the Reporter, Archer & Ficklin, and AG Farmers Best Feed.