Grand Jury Reports Dixon Non-responsive
Jul 14, 2023 12:00AM ● By By Debra DingmanDIXON, CA (MPG) - City of Dixon is listed in two 2022-2023 reports from the Solano County Civil Grand Jury, the entity that one deals with ‘Solano County Wastewater Treatment Plants’ and the other deals with ‘Noncompliance with Required Responses’ to the Grand Jury.
In the Wastewater report, Finding 1 reported that in most cases, wastewater effluent is not used to supply industrial needs or to irrigate crops and public lands. In the recommendation, the wastewater treatment facility decision-makers consider on an ongoing basis, if additional treated water can be used to replace current water supplies.
In Finding 2, both Dixon’s and Benicia’s water treatment plants release methane directly into the atmosphere, which could be used as fuel for cogeneration. The recommendation was to explore options to capture methane released by wastewater treatment, such as generating electrical power.
In Finding 3, Not all wastewater treatment plants utilize renewable sources of electrical power, and the recommendation was to consider solar and wind power as alternative energy sources.
The city managers of both cities were required to respond to all Findings but only Benicia responded. The City Manager of Dixon, Jim Lindley, did not respond.
The other report Dixon was listed in was the one on noncompliance with required responses to the Grand Jury which was based on an investigation over the past ten years of reporting.
According to Penal Code section 933(c), “Elected county officers or agency heads must respond within 60 days following issuance of the final report,” and must also stipulate whether the accompanying recommendation has been implemented or not; whether it requires further analysis; and/or the recommendation will not be implemented because it is not warranted or reasonable.
The officer at the Grand Jury office reported that they did receive confirmation of the report being received by Mr. Lindley but no further response.
In additional findings, the 2021-2022 Solano County Civil Grand Jury report “Solano County Is Not Prepared for Future Emergencies,” the Dixon Mayor and City Council did not provide a response to the following finding: FINAL 230623 Compliance Report - 4 - “There is a need for a coordinated city and countywide evacuation plan for Solano County.”
In addition, the City of Dixon did not provide responses in previous terms as follows: For the 2019-2020 Solano County Civil Grand Jury report “Registry of Public Agencies Filing Process,” the Dixon Mayor and City Council did not provide a response to the following findings: ‘Agencies’ completion and filing of the Statement of Facts Roster of Public Agencies Form in Solano County, in many instances, are inconsistent, incomplete, inaccurate and out-of-compliance with Government Code section 53051.
For a detailed list of their findings involving Dixon, go to
As of press time, a call to the City Manager was not returned.