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Independent Voice

Students Get Journalism Lesson

May 30, 2024 03:30PM ● By Debra Dingman

Some of the students who studied journalism at Dixon Montessori Charter School are, from front to back, Victoria Postle, Samantha Guerrero, Ainsley Siebert, Delaney Riemer and Ayla Cordova. Photo courtesy of Jamie Myers

DIXON, CA (MPG) - Journalism is an important part of our society since the First Amendment in our United States Constitution guarantees the right of free press.

But, as Dixon Montessori Charter School students learned this past month, it’s important that reporting is done fairly and accurately.

Students in teacher Jamie Myers’ classes had the privilege of learning journalism, writing an article and getting published in the Dixon Independent Voice Newspaper.

“I have four classes daily and we worked on it every day for three weeks,” Myers said. “We spent 45 minutes to an hour each day and they practiced researching to see other newspapers and how articles were written. They searched for evidence to confirm facts and all of that was leading up to choosing an article.”

When considering ideas for teaching the class, Myers did not have to look far. Her mother was a journalist working first as an editor and then as an owner of a newspaper in Rockwall, Texas.

“I grew up hearing her say, ‘This isn’t proper journalism’ and ‘they are biased,’ until she owned her own paper,” Myers said. “She made sure all the local functions and meetings were covered. She made sure articles were unbiased and she followed the rules of journalism.”

Myers even recalled a few times the townsfolk were upset over something her mother had written but it was the truth, she recalled.

The Independent Voice Newspaper Editor also had a chance to make a guest presentation on “Developing Your Story.”

Myers was pleased with the students’ outcomes and had previously contacted the Independent Voice about judging and publishing the best articles.

In today’s issue, the top two winners of the seventh-grade class appear: “Dixon Lion’s Club Celebrates 70th”  by Audrey Dannenberg and “Bella Vista Farms” by Adrian Mendez.

In next week’s edition, the eighth-grade winners will be published.

The kindergarten through eighth-grade school is located at 355 North Almond in Dixon and the phone number is707-678-8953.