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Independent Voice

Dixon Passes FY 2024-25 Budget

Jun 12, 2024 03:49PM ● By Angela Underwood, photos by Angela Underwood

The Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget summary of expenditures and revenues is made available in the 42-page document.

DIXON, CA (MPG) - Dixon City Finance Director Kate Zawadzki took to the podium one last time to present the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 budget. 

The proposed 2024-25 budget includes revenues and transfers of $69.3 million and appropriations of $54.5 million for all funds, according to the 42-page document adopted June 4. The document notes that "existing balances within the fund will be used for any fund in which proposed expenditures exceed projected revenues."

The General Fund's proposed budget includes $28.6 million in revenues and $31.1 million in expenditures. 

"This document is largely unchanged from the budget study session that we did on May 6," Zawadski said. 

Mayor Steve Bird city council

 Kate Zawadski presents the annual budget to officials on June 4 before it was adopted by Mayor Steve Bird and City Council.

In March, Zawadzki reported a $605,000 increase in the 2023-24 budget. The finance director said that "slight changes were made" to workshopped figures and "we are asking for some fiscal changes for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget."

According to the budget document, the fiscal impact of "the proposed 2023-24 General Fund budget projects expenditures exceeding revenues by $1.9 million, and these excess expenditures will reduce the projected fund balance reserve from 42.5% in FY 2023-24 to 34.96% in FY 2024-25."

The budget details dividends, which "are budgeted at $0.59 million in FY 2024-25, an increase of 14%, but still below pre-pandemic levels."

Sales tax remains unchanged, with Fiscal Year 2024-25 tax receipts bringing in approximately $11.5 million, according to Hdl Companies, city analysts. Based on the budget figures, property taxes are expected to increase to 7% in Fiscal Year 2024- 25 due to residential growth.

Additionally, the budget reports that Transient Occupancy Taxes decreased in Fiscal Year 2023-24 by 2% for total projected revenues of $0.52 million.

The General Fund's proposed budget includes $31.1 million in expenditures, of which $0.3 million is needed for one-time expenses and capital purchases. More than half of the General Fund goes to public safety, with the police department at 30% and fire personnel at 23%. The rest is split between eight other departments, ranging from general government at 15% to human resources at 2%.

The Enterprise Funds portion reports steady projected revenues at $5.1 million from Wastewater Operations and Maintenance Funds.

"Revenues in the Water Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Fund are projected to increase slightly from 2.1 million to $2.2 million" due to increased residential growth," according to the budget document, adding that the Water Operating Reserve Fund funds’ working capital is equal to 32% of the ongoing operating expenses.  

Vice-Mayor Kevin Johnson said Zawadski’s team brought some budget innovation, explicitly noting the "creative component as far as the needs for grant writing."

"Thank you for being creative on how we can parcel out that workload but yet still get some impact for grants in the economic development component," Johnson said.

There was no public comment on the budget’s adoption.

Zawadski will stand before officials again for the Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2-23-24 update in September.