Dixon News Briefs 6-14-24
Jun 12, 2024 03:57PM ● By MPG Staff
Strange Brew will perform at the June 20 Pardi Plaza Chamber Concert night. Courtesy photo
Parent/Tot Swimming
Attention parents with little people ages 6 months to 35 months. A new water exploration and introductory swim skills class will be offered this summer. There will be safety practices, songs, games and fun. Call the Dixon Recreation Department at (707) 678-7022 for more information.
City Council
The Dixon City Council will meet on Tuesday, June 18, at City Hall, 600 East A St. This meeting will be physically open to the public and all members of the public are invited to participate via video conferencing or via teleconference by calling (669) 900-9128. More information is on the city website and is listed in detail on the agenda under the government tab after going to cityofdixon.us.
Farmers Market
Support our local farmers! Downtown Dixon Business Association continues to host a weekly Farmers Market every Thursday at the Women’s Improvement Club Park next to the Public Library from 5 to 7:30 p.m. There are not only fresh fruits and vegetables locally grown but also beautiful bouquets of fresh cut flowers, herb remedies, home-made delectables and music.
Father’s Day Fun
Join Freedom Church for a special Father’s Day Service this June 16, starting at 10 a.m. The service will be packed with music, worship, dance and an inspiring message straight from the Word of God. Afterward, the fun continues with an outdoor family bash at Hall Park. The address is 470 E H St.
Concerts in the Plaza
Join Strange Brew when they perform on June 20, for Concerts in the Plaza from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bring folding chairs or a picnic blanket and a picnic dinner or order takeout from one of the many excellent downtown restaurants. Pardi Plaza, Corner of 1st and A streets.
Scooters on the Loose!
You might have noticed the pick -up of scooter users all over town lately as soon as the good weather hit. That’s why the city is reminding everyone that there are laws on e-scooters (CVC 21235) for riders to wear helmets, have a valid driver’s license or instruction permit, must be ridden on the road or in bike lanes. They are not permitted on sidewalks and the maximum speed limit is 15 mph.
Fish Fry Friday
The menu at the Veteran’s Hall for Friday, June 14, will be a Fish Fry-including fries, hush puppies, and coleslaw. Dinner starts around 5:30 and costs $12. The hall is open to everyone at 1305 North First St. and proceeds help the local veterans. For more information, contact the American Legion Post 208, visit Facebook or stop by the hall on Friday evenings.
4th of July
On Thursday, July 4, there will be a concert by Helios from 6 to 9 p.m. sponsored by the Dixon Chamber of Commerce and fireworks show starting about 9:15 p.m. There will also be recreational swimming at the Pat Granucci Aquatics Center from 4 to 8 p.m. and pickleball in Hall Park. That will be for open play and instruction from 4:30 to 5:30; then round robin play, then from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. open play and instruction again. There will also be food trucks for your dining pleasure.