Celebrate Independence Day in Dixon
Jun 26, 2024 10:35AM ● By MPG StaffDIXON, CA (MPG) - No Fourth of July is complete without a dazzling firework show, and luckily for Dixon residents, they have the perfect opportunity to enjoy themselves on the holiday weekend.
The City of Dixon and the Rotary Club of Dixon will host a Fourth of July Fireworks Show in Dixon’s Hall Park, located at 450 Hall Park Drive on July 4.
The city and Rotary Club officials say they are excited to host the event after a two-year hiatus, and plan to welcome the community back with the largest fireworks display to date.
The show will begin shortly after sunset, after 9 p.m. on July 4. This free event is open to all members of the public and is made possible through donations. Individuals and businesses who would like to make a donation can do so by mailing a check to Dixon Rotary Foundation, PO Box 181, Dixon, CA 95620.
In addition to the fireworks show, more events will take place in Hall Park on July 4.
The city will host Recreation Swim at the Pat Granucci Aquatics Center (450 East Mayes St., Dixon) from 3 to 6 p.m. The entry price is $5.75 per adult and $4.00 for children and seniors.
The city will partner with a local pickleball group to host open pickleball play and instruction from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.; round robin pickleball play from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.; and open pickleball play from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. All pickleball events are free and open to players of all skill levels, including beginners.
A food truck court will be in the parking lot of the Pat Granucci Aquatics Center (450 East Mayes St., Dixon) from 6 to 9:30 p.m.
Safe and sane fireworks will not be permitted in Hall Park. Fireworks that explode, shoot through the air, move along the ground, including skyrockets, bottle rockets and firecrackers of all types are never permitted. A violation of the Fireworks Ordinance is punishable by the issuance of an administrative citation with an accompanying administrative fine up to $1,000.