Council Reviews 2024 Goals
Jun 26, 2024 10:54AM ● By Angela Underwood, photo by Angela Underwood
Mayor Steve Bird and the Dixon City Council review the 2024 goals they set for themselves at the June 18 meeting.
DIXON, CA (MPG) - Goals change.
That was the message from City Manager Jim Lindley at the Dixon City Council meeting on June 18.
"Vice-Mayor Kevin Johnson asked for this item to give us a progress report of the council goals," Lindley said.
"City Council conducts goal-setting sessions immediately after new council members are seated, normally in April or May, to give those new council members the ability to have some input," Lindley said, adding the sessions correlate with election cycles. "I think it is a good idea that we update you on those every year in between."
Lindley said that the council met some goals and changed others. The city manager noted that the council's four focus items for 2024 include investing in infrastructure improvements, community and economic development, effective service delivery and engagement and partnership.
The council prioritized six goals under infrastructure improvements and has made progress on each one, beginning with closing the funding gap and beginning construction on the Parkway Overpass by applying for a $25-million grant in Consolidated Rail and Safety Improvement funds.
"We have done everything over the years, even making it shovel-ready and doing what the state and feds are asking us to do," Lindley said. "It's ready; all we need is the money."
City officials made progress on water issues, including a regional drainage solution for the city’s east side and developing solutions for maintenance and financial sustainability.
"The council did this through conducting their water rate study and ad hoc committee that had outstanding results for a year's work," Lindley said, adding the result is a Proposition 218 process to adopt new water rates.
Other ongoing goals are pursuing City Hall annex strategies and addressing funding gaps for the city's Lighting and Landscaping Management Districts (LLMD).
The focus on community and economic development resulted in completing a zoning update for the Northeast Quadrant Community development, supporting small businesses and exploring tourist destination opportunities.
"Through thick and thin," Lindley said,” city officials continue to help Mom and Pop shops stay alive.”
"The city bent over backward during Covid to keep those businesses open that could be open," Lindley said.
Future gatherings continue with the council thinking big.
"A potential cultural center is under consideration," Lindley said of the facility that would be placed in the city's southeast. "The project is now being called Harvest, which points to the community's agricultural heritage."
The third focus on effective service delivery was successful, with the council completing the Parks Master Plan update and developing a funding strategy for Southwest Fire Station.
"The task is ongoing," Lindley said, adding officials have retained the property. "The design is nearly complete and now we are looking for opportunities through federal and state to help us with new funding for the fire station.
Other service delivery goals for the year include pursuing funding through a potential sales tax measure.
"The council has really stepped up to do all the studies, questionnaires and surveys necessary to see if the community will embrace it," Lindley said.
Lastly, focus four is to develop partnerships that result in a further relationship with the Dixon Unified School District for public safety and building community engagement through cultural programs.
"There is a performing arts program we are developing in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce," Lindley said.
Councilmember Jim Ernest said he is so "proud" of the council's progress that he had it listed on the city website. Of all the times Councilmember Thom Bogue has been on the council, "this is the closest we have come to fulfilling most of the goals, historically speaking."
Councilmember Doug Hendershot said the council must stay on the course.
"The fire department and parkway overcrossing was one of my two biggest concerns, and we know what we now need to get those done," Hendershot said.
Mayor Steve Bird said the council's progress is measurable.
"Of all the times I have been up here, I think this is one of the few times we have been very, very close to achieving the things we set out to do," Bird said. "We are not there yet; there is still much work ahead of us but we are moving in the right direction."