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Independent Voice

Teri Brown to Lead Dixon Women

Jul 03, 2024 08:57AM ● By MPG Staff

New DWIC leaders (L-R) seated: Martha Dules, Cindy Heeney, Diane Schroeder and Pat Inderbitzen. Standing (L-R) Debra Dingman, Jeanne Bei, Pamela Marks, Angela Remides, Binky Rowe, Jewel Fink and Teri Brown. Courtesy photo

DIXON, CA (MPG) - Teri Brown, who has served as the Dixon Women’s Improvement Club Secretary for three years is stepping up her game: She’s the new President for the 2024-2025 year.

Numerous officers and Committee Chairs were installed recently in the oldest club in Dixon: the Dixon Women’s Improvement Club established 124 years ago in 1899 to beautify and improve the town of Dixon. The founders were women from families who had settled in the Dixon area following the Gold Rush of 1849 and worked to improve their town, garnering most notably the Dixon Carnegie Library and Dixon Women’s Improvement Club Park surrounding that library in downtown Dixon.

Outgoing President Debra Dingman highlighted the many experiences and achievements of the past year including hearing from guest speakers on interesting topics such as growing herbs, City Development, City Recreation for Seniors, and Dixon’s water issues. The members also enjoyed making pumpkin succulent centerpieces, vision boards, and flower arrangements. They took field trips to museums and the UC Davis Raptor Center and are working with a committee to add decorated benches outside the public library.

They held a huge successful fundraising dinner in February that netted thousands for scholarships and community grants, plus they updated the Dixon Community Resource Guide, an online source listing contact information for variety of services, sports, schools, clubs, etc. which is easily available through a Google search.

This year’s luncheon was catered by Bud’s Pub & Grill and was themed ‘Bee Positive.’ Tables were decorated with miniature honeycombs, other assorted bee decorations and ‘bee’ sayings in recognition of World Bee Day that month.

Dingman, who will now serve as Director at Large, then recognized the DWIC Officers for 2024-2025. They were President Teri Brown; Vice-President Jewel Fink; Recording Secretary Ashley Alvarez; Treasurer Cindy Heeney; and Financial Reviewer Martha Dukes.

Next, the Committee Chairs were introduced. They are Community Grants Teri Brown; Rose Garden Jeanne Bei; Historian Pamela Marks; Hospitality and Membership Binky Eason and Angela Remides; Parliamentarian Jewel Fink; Scholarships Diane Schroeder; Publicity Debra Dingman; and Telephone/Sunshine Committee Pat Inderbitzen.

The Officers and Committee Chairs of the organization will operate the non-profit, charitable organization for the beautification, improvement, and promotion of the best interests of the City of Dixon through club-directed projects and community activities.

Over the summer, the new Board and Chairs will create the upcoming year’s speakers and field trips. The group meets on the third Wednesday of each month 1 to 3 p.m. at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 209 North Jefferson.

The DWIC general membership does not meet in July or August, but will reconvene on Wednesday, September 18, at the Fellowship Hall of the Dixon Methodist Church at 209 North Jefferson.

If you enjoy stimulating speakers, fun activities, the camaraderie of friends, and are interested in joining the Dixon Women’s Improvement Club, contact our Membership Chairs Eason or Remides through the organization’s Facebook page or call (707) 678-9198. Membership is $45 per year payable at the first meeting in September.