National Night Out Declaration
Jul 11, 2024 02:51PM ● By Scott Mullins
National Night Out will be on Aug. 6. Photo courtesy of National Night Out 2024
DIXON, CA (MPG) - The Dixon City Council declared that the City of Dixon will participate in National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 6 during the July 2 City Council meeting.
“National Night Out provides a unique opportunity for the city of Dixon to join forces with thousands of other communities across the country in promoting cooperative police community crime prevention efforts,” Mayor Steve Bird said.
“It is essential that all citizens of the city of Dixon be aware of the importance that crime prevention programs can have on reducing crime, drugs, and violence in the city of Dixon.”
What is National Night Out and why is it important for Dixon?
National Night Out (NNO) is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. One of the primary goals of National Night Out is to enhance public safety by encouraging communities to come together and take a stand against misconduct.
National Night Out also builds trust between residents and law enforcement. Trust between law enforcement and their communities is the basis for effective policing. By engaging in open dialogue, sharing concerns and working together on community issues, residents and police officers can develop a mutual understanding and respect. Public support for National Night Out is crucial in facilitating these interactions and building a foundation of trust that is vital for community safety and well-being.
Bird finished declaring National Night Out’s importance by adding, “NNO is a great night to get to know people in your neighborhoods.”
Millions of citizens take part in the National Night Out in every state on the first Tuesday in August. (Texas celebrates the first Tuesday in October). Neighborhoods host block parties, festivals, parades, cookouts, other community events and visits from emergency personnel.
If you would like to register for a block party for your neighborhood, register at If you would like more information about National Night Out, visit the official website at