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Independent Voice

Garamendi Applauds Solano County Board of Supervisors

Jul 24, 2024 03:50PM ● By Office of Congressman John Garamendi News Release

FAIRFIELD, CA (MPG) - On July 22, U.S. Representative John Garamendi (D-CA-08) issued the following statement commending Mitch Mashburn, Chair of the Solano County Board of Supervisors, for his recent announcement regarding the California Forever development project. Garamendi serves as the federal representative for much of the service area, and the project raises concerns about the security of Travis Air Force Base, protection of the National Delta Heritage Area, and a full National Environmental Protection Act Review:

"I applaud California Forever's decision to change course and begin the standard County process for a General Plan and Zoning Amendment. This approach, which includes a full Environmental Impact Report and a negotiated Development Agreement, is a crucial step toward ensuring that any development in our community is sustainable, transparent, and beneficial for all residents.

“From the beginning, I have maintained that the proposed project was only a pipe dream, not a true plan. Rushing the process without thorough environmental and community review would have been disastrous for the existing residents of Solano County. Thanks to a required report by the County, we now know the scope of these costs. According to the report, the development would have created a nearly $200 million annual deficit for the County.

“Today’s decision to follow the normal County planning process provides the opportunity to address critical issues such as governing structures for the area, strengthening Travis Air Force Base, providing adequate water resources, solving transportation challenges, and ensuring financial viability for the entire County.

“I thank the Solano County Board of Supervisors for prioritizing the needs and voices of our community. I am committed to supporting the County’s efforts and will continue to work with all parties involved to ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for Solano County."