Dixon History Mural to Debut with Fanfare
Aug 21, 2024 03:56PM ● By Debra Dingman
This is artist Colleen Gnos' initial rendering of what the finished Dixon mural will look like, although there have been some minor changes. Courtesy photo
DIXON, CA (MPG) - The public is invited to share in the ribbon-cutting ceremony when the Dixon Historical Society unveils the completed artwork, “The History of Dixon.” The large mural spans a wall at the entrance of the Dixon Historical Society at 125 West A St. in downtown Dixon and was designed and painted by one of Dixon’s own: Colleen Gnos.
Gnos is a fine artist and muralist who is famous for her Mermaids, Ocean, & Musical works of art, has a studio in San Luis Obispo and is the daughter of long-time Dixon farmers Herman and Lucy Gnos.
The mural is a culmination of countless hours between Gnos and the Dixon Historical Society members to accurately draft the story of Dixon’s history and the various cultural groups who have contributed to the land over the decades.
“Our mural tells the story of Dixon's history, the establishment of the railroad, the Dickson Pioneer Family and the various cultural groups who have contributed to Dixon,” said Dixon Historical Society President Kim Schroeder-Evans. “We especially invite the families of John Fong representing the Chinese Americans who established businesses in Dixon and who also helped build the railroad, along with families whose ancestors served in the Bracero Program, and who are also featured. In addition, we invite our native Wintun/Patwin community, along with descendants of our Californio (Spanish and Mexican Land-Grant) families.”
The celebration will be at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5 at the museum and the artist will be there answering questions.
Gnos grew up in Dixon and has accepted mural commissions for businesses and private homes around the nation for 20 years. She is most famed locally for her 20 x 20-foot free-standing cut-out mural of a farmer and his dog in an almond orchard near the Dixon Avenue West/A Street exit off Interstate 80. She is also locally famed for the 3,000-square-foot mural of three-dimensional marble columns and filigreed alters inside St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Dixon and a 60-foot Memorial Mural at Dixon High School done in 2020 honoring three students and one teacher who passed the previous year.
In addition to the mural display fanfare, the new museum curator will be announced. For more information, see the Dixon Historical Society website at dixonhistoricalsociety.org or call 707-693-3044.